Thurs, Jan. 25th - Quite cold this morning. I killed three hogs, Jim Dickson and Mel Moran helping me. I bought a hog from Mr. Buchanan, a partnership hog costing us $25.00.
Fri., 1-26 - I cut up the hogs this forenoon and cut a little wood in the afternoon. I done the feeding and watering and then it was dark. Mr. Craig & wife called this evening. I paid him $45.00 teacher's wages.
Sat., 1-27 - Pleasant today. Clear and cloudy by turns. Wind from the North. I trimmed peach trees till noon. In the afternoon the boys and I husked some corn.
Sun., 1-28 - Went to S.S. this morning in the Richards U.B. In the afternoon I went to church, P.C. In the evening Leck and I went to Auburn with Jim and Lizzie to church.
Mon., 1-29 - Fed the stock, hauled in a load of corn, then got up some wood. Frank Melton and Tish came today, Frank to husk corn, Tish to visit. Geo. Edmundson husked corn today. Clear. 14 bu. of corn husked by Geo. Edmundson.
Tues., 1-30 - Work just the same as yesterday., Frank and Geo. husking corn. 22 bu. of corn Geo.'s. Lyceum night P.C.
Wed., 1-31 - Quite cold. After feeding I hauled corn. 22 bu. Geo.& 44 Frank. They both husked corn all day. I went to town in the evening.
Thurs., Feb. 1st - Cloudy and quite cold. Snowed a little during the night. Wind East, threatening snow. I helped Jim load some hogs. Fed the cattle, salted them, cut the ice, cut some wood. Frank and Tish went home this evening. Mary Ann Moore and her cousin (Lydia Falkner) called today.
Fri., 2-2 - Snow on the ground this morning and still snowing. Kept it up most of the day, but it was fine and, notwithstanding the cold (10° above 0) it stuck to everything it struck. Wind. N.E. Only Leck and Ed went to school today. I done the necessary chores and that was all.
Sat., 2-3 - Cold - 0. Hailed and snowed during the night, also thunder and lightning. Fed the stock, watered them, cut wood, &c. Went to town in the evening for the mail.
Sun., 2-4 - Very cold. 11° below 0. Clear most of the day. We walked to S.S. this morning. There was no church in the evn'g. Dick Gill came to fill Bro. Biggs' appointment.
Mon., 2-5 - Still cold. Clear most of the day. I done the feeding and cut some wood, and that was all.
Tues., 2-6 - I went down town this morning to election. Quite cold. Done nothing but the chores. Went to church in the evn'g.
Wed., Feb. 7th - Still cold. I hauled out manure today in addition to the usual chores. Went to town in the evn'g to church.
Thurs., 2-8 - I went over to Robt. Moll's today to keep an account of the things sold at his _____. A pleasant day, finest in some weeks. A Mr. Moberly husked corn for me today.
Fri., 2-9 - I helped Jim butcher today. I got a load of wood in the afternoon. I went to town in the evn'g expecting to attend church but there was none.
Sat., 2-10 - In addition to my feeding, I hauled up three loads of wood. Cloudy and damp with a south wind. Thawing a little.
Sun., 2-11 - Cloudy in the morning. Soon got clear. Thawing. Went to S.S. in the morning. Alex Dickson brought Mother Dickson home today.
Mon., 2-12 - Hauled water this morning for Jennie to wash, then fed the stock and hauled in corn, one load. Geo. Edmundson ____ one load. Frank Melton 22 bu. ___ Jessie Moberly 44 bu. Moberly and Mr. Rader husked corn today.
Tues., 2-13 - I fed the cattle and hauled _____ of corn. 22 bu. (Moberly's) in the forenoon. In the afternoon it rained and creeks raised several feet in an hour or two. Rader and Moberly husked. May and Lew did not come home. Leck, Ed, ___ got Lew, went to Father Gifford's. May went to Engles.
Wed., Feb. 14th - Rained very little during the night. Creeks fordable this morning. The children all went to school. I went over to Mr. Easter's to look at a steer that was advertised (not mine). I came home by C_____ and down by Merriams. Moberly and Rader husked corn. Rader got 4 bu. of corn, at 30 cts. - $1.20.
Thurs., 2-15 - I hauled out a couple of ____ shocks of corn for the cattle then scraped manure the rest of the day. Warm. ____. Jennie and Mother D. dressed 21 chickens. Went to prayer meeting at P.C.
Fri., 2-16 - Quite cold this morning. 18° above 0 and getting colder. Wind blowing hard and snowing at times. I went to Topeka today. Roads very rough. I took over chickens, 85 lbs. at 12 ½ cts - $10.62 ½ , and one turkey, twenty lbs., at 10 cts. (alive) - $2.00. Total $12.62. I paid bal. on church window - $31.50. Jessie Moberly done the chores and cut some wood.
Sat., 2-17 - Still cold. 5° above 0. Clear. Jessie hauled in corn, 6 loads, 4 of his own, 88 bu., and 2 of Rader's, 44 bu. In the afternoon I went to town to attend a quarterly meeting.
Sun., 2-18 - We went to S.S. in the morning as usual. In the evn'g I went to Auburn.
Mon., 2-19 - I hauled in one load of corn this forenoon, Rader's, 22 bu., then hauled out ___ the rest of the day. Rader and Moberly husked corn.
Tues., 2-20 - I hauled in two loads of corn, Rader's 22 bu. and Moberly's 22 bu. In the afternoon [rest of line cut off in copy].
____ [break in sequence] _____
Sat., May 12th - Rained a little most of the day. We turned the manure piles in the afternoon.
Sun., 5-13 - Rained nearly all day. No S.S. The first Sabbath for some years that no one attended religious from the family.
Mon., 5-14 - Cloudy and cool. I broke prairie today. Jake worked for himself with a team all day. Jess sick yet he helped Jake some during the forenoon. Nellie (mule) kicked Leck.
Tues., 5-15 - Cool and pleasant. I broke prairie. Jake took Sym's roller home this forenoon and harrowed some on the sod. Jess sick all day.
Wed., 5-16 - Jess went home this morning sick. I broke prairie till noon, or nearly, and Jake planted some potatoes. It rained from about 11 o'clock on. I went to town in the evn'g.
Thurs., 5-17 - Raining during the and the forenoon [sic]. I went over to Bayless', then to the new church, then home and broke prairie for awhile, then to Auburn in the evening. Jake mulched some trees, &c.
Fri., 5-18 - I broke prairie all day. Jake harrowed, mulched, and set out sweet potato plants.
Sat., May 19th - I sowed millet this forenoon and broke prairie in the afternoon. Jake harrowed all day.
Sun., 5-20 - We went to S.S. this morning A good turnout today.
Mon., 5-21 - I went to Topeka today, taking Howard, May, and Lloyd along with me. Bought two cows. Met Jas. Harr on the road. Jess hoed. Jake broke prairie.
Tues., 5-22 - I was at Henry Thompson's all night, Mrs. Thompson being very low. Early this morning I went down to Brown's to get a heifer he had taken by mistake, leaving one in its place, though not quite so good. I hauled some posts up to Prairie Centre. Jake broke some prairie, harrowed, and planted some potatoes. Jess hoed and helped Jake plant potatoes. Leck replanted corn.
Wed., 5-23 - I am 42 years old today. A good question for me: am I getting better as fast as I am getting older? I sowed a little millet this morning. Jess harrowed all day on 3 acres of sod. Jake plowed corn. Leck replanted. I went to the timber to cut some poles to be used at Prairie Centre for hitching racks. Henry Thompson sent for me, Mrs. Thompson being dead. I cut ____ poles.
Thurs., May 24th - I took Jim's team and went to the funeral this morning. In the evn'g I went to Prairie Centre. Took supper at Father Gifford's and stopped for prayer meeting. Jake and Jess ploughed corn all day. Leck planted corn.
Fri., 5-25 - Rained during the night. Jake and I went to Prairie Centre
church to help fix up some hitching racks in the forenoon. In the afternoon
I done chores. Jess cut wood till noon. Jake broke prairie and Jess washed
hogs. I went to town in the afternoon and evening.
Sat., 5-26 - Jake broke prairie all day. Jess cut wood. I fixed up water gaps in the forenoon and went to Prairie Centre church in the afternoon.
Sun., 5-27 - Today we all went to Prairie Centre to the dedication of our new church. The subscription reached over $700.00. Alex's folks and Mother D. was here for dinner.
Mon., 5-28 - Jess cut wood for me in the forenoon went to Jim's this
morning to plant corn, Jim being sick. Jake ploughed prairie. I done some
ploughing in the forenoon. In the afternoon I plowed. Sowed millet in
the afternoon. Jess harrowed it in.
Tues., 5-29 - Rained again during the night. Jake broke prairie. Jess went to Jim's in the forenoon today and harrowed in millet in the afternoon. I took Dollie to _____.
Wed., May 30th - Jess worked for Jim ploughing cut wood for me.
I went for Dr. Wood this morning, Leck being sick. In the afternoon I greased
some harness, &c. Jake broke prairie.
Thurs., 5-31 - Jess ploughed corn for Jim. Jake and I ploughed corn all day and went to prayer meeting in the evn'g.
Fri., June 1st - Jess, Lew, and I went to Topeka today. Jake ploughed corn all day.
Sat., 6-2 - We worked with some little pigs and sows awhile in the morning, then Jake went to breaking prairie. I done odd jobs, &c. Jess ploughed corn for Jim's.
Sun., 6-3 - Early this morning Lizzie sent for me to come down quick. I went and found Jim very sick and insensible. I went for Dr. Wood's and crossed the prairie to the S.S. I was opening the school when the news came of Jim's death. Gone, gone, and oh, how sudden. Is he saved "yet so as by fire?" God alone knows. The lesson for me is "be ye also ready."
Mon., 6-4 - I stopped at Jim's all night. We buried Jim at 11 o'clock today. Funeral services at the Union church at ten. There was a very large turn out at the funeral.
Tues., Jun 5th - Jess at Jim's. Jake and I ploughed corn. Bob Mull was here for dinner. Dr. Cazier was here today and lanced Leck's foot. There was a lot of matter in it. Jennie took very sick in the evn'g and I sent Jake for Dr. Cazier again. Raining hard during the night. Jake got back about ten o'clock, but Dr. C. could not come.
Wed., 6-6 - I went down town this morning to see Quayle, to get him to go with Rob Mull to see Dick Gill. Dr. Cazier came while I was gone. Jess worked at Jim's. Jake hauled over lumber to the Pic Nic ground this forenoon. In the afternoon he ploughed corn. Jennie appears some better.
Thurs., 6-7 - Our anniversary Pic Nic, and we had a good day, a good time, and a goodly crowd. Lizzie came and stayed with Jennie today. Jennie not quite so well as usual, or yesterday.
Fri., 6-8 - Jess and Jake both worked at odd chores for it is too wet to plough corn. I went to Burlingame in the afternoon.
Sat., 6-9 - I went this morning to get a girl but she went back on her promise. Dr. Cazier called again today. Jess at ____.
Sun., June 10th - I stayed at home with Jennie. All the rest went to S.S.
Mon., 6-11 - I struck out this morning to look for a girl. I got one to promise to come next Thursday. Jake ploughed corn. Jess at Jim's. In the afternoon I went to Burlingame to get some flour. Leck went along.
Tues., 6-12 - We had a very heavy rain last night. The boys picked cherries today.
Wed., 6-13 - Jake took cherries and butter to Topeka. 3 lbs. cherries at $2.50 - $7,50. Butter $2.90, total $10.40. I worked on the vines till noon and ploughed corn in the afternoon. Jess did the same as I, for Lizzie.
Thurs., 6-14 - I went and got my promised girl. She came home with me, Miss Ella Selover. In the afternoon I ploughed corn. Jake ploughed all day. Jess at Jim's. I ploughed corn in the afternoon.
Fri., 6-15 - Jake and I plowed corn all day. Jess worked at Jim's. I sold eight (8) calves to Lord & Finch, to be delivered at Burlingame next April. 5 at $85.00, 2 at $35.00, and one as we agree on it.
Sat.,6-16 - We plowed corn. Very warm. Father St. John for dinner. Henry Thompson and Sue Avery called. Jess at Jim's.
Sun., June 17th - Quite a shower this morning, but it stopped raining about 9 o'clock so we all went to S.S. Alex was over today. Jennie & I called at Jim's to see Lizzie. Warm.
Mon., 6-18 - Jake and I plowed corn. Jess worked for Jim. Hot.
Tues., 6-19 - Jake and I plowed corn all day. Jess worked for Jim's. Hot.
Wed., 6-20 - Father St. John went to Topeka with me today to get paints and oils to fix the house up with. Jake plowed corn. Jess at Jim's.
Thurs., 6-21 - I plowed and harrowed around the trees. Jake plowed corn. Jess at Jims. Hot, threatening rain. St. John painting.
Fri., 6-22 - I done some odd chores, trimmed some blighted apple trees, mowed some grass and weeds. Jake plowed corn. Jess at Jim's. Father St. John painting.
Sat., 6-23 - Raining this morning. Kept it up till near noon. Jennie stayed with Lizzie last night and came home about noon. Jake mulched some raspberries, &c. Jess at Jim's.
Sun., 6-24 - Raining this morning. Stopped about 9 o'clock. We went to S.S. in the morning. Got two ___ for ___ in the afternoon.
Mon., June 25th - I went to Burlingame this morning. Fixed up some water gaps and went to town in the evening. Jake broke prairie in the forenoon and plowed corn in the afternoon.
Tues., 6-26 - We both plowed corn all day. In places it is higher than the mules. Cool and pleasant. Good day for work.
Wed., 6-27 - We plowed corn all day. Jess worked at Jim's as usual.
Thurs., 6-28 - We plowed corn all day. Jess at Lizzie's ploughing corn. Jennie and [I] went to town in the evening. Cool summer weather.
Fri., 6-29 - I plowed corn till noon, Jake all day. Jess at Lizzie's. In the afternoon I set up the reaper. Ella took the pony and rode over home this evening to see her folks. Quite warm.
Sat., 6-30 - This morning Jake and I cleaned out the well and stopped up the drill hole with plaster of paris. The well filled up at once. Jake plowed corn and I went up to Lyon's and cut some rye. Very hot.
Sun., July 1st - We went up to S.S. this morning. 104 at S.S. Lizzie was up today.
Mon., July 2nd - Went to cutting wheat this morning. Got help. I had: Rozell Dutcher, Dan Croft, Burkhardt, Frank Melton, Strohm, Moran, Harris, &c. My crew helped Jess and Jake. Pleasant day for work.
Tues., 7-3 - We finished the wheat today. I had the same hands excepting Rozell. Good day for work.
Wed., 7-4 - Jake and Jess plowed corn all day. I raked down the stacks, &c.
Thurs., 7-5 - I cut rye for Lizzie today, about 8 acres. Jake and Jess helped, and Mel Moran & Will Buchanan, Leck, and Howard shocked.
Fri., 7-6 - I stacked wheat today. Dutcher and Strohm helped me besides my own help. Damp, misting at times.
Sat., 7-7 - Jake and Jess hoed potatoes all day. Cool and nice. I went to Burlingame today to get some window blinds.
Sun., 7-8 - We went to S.S. this morning as usual. 109 present. In the afternoon we went to church. Ella went home today.
Mon., 7-9 - I finished stacking wheat about two o'clock. Dutcher and Strohm helped me till noon. Rozell worked till noon. Father St. John back today, Ella too. Went back to Burlingame today for more shades and ____.
Tues., July 10th - The boys plowed corn. Rozell worked at the windows. I helped around the house. Rosa White and Eva Snyder called today to see about building a church at Elevation. I gave them $10.00.
Wed., 7-11 - We had a very heavy rain last night. Jake broke some hedge rows and Jess weeded the grapes, &c. I worked about the house. Rozell worked on the blinds. Hot.
Thurs., 7-12 - Jake finished the hedge rows and then plowed in the bottom field. Jess plowed some corn in the forenoon then ploughed in the bottom field. Very hot, 102°. Lew Mead was here for dinner, and a man with him. Rozell worked till mid-afternoon. In the afternoon I went with the machine to cut Harris' oats. Mrs. Cogwell and Mrs. Loper called today soliciting money to build a church. Jennie pledged $10.00.
Fri., 7-13 - The boys plowed in the bottom field. I worked most of the day cleaning and priming blinds. Mother D., Mary Stephens, Mrs. Joselyn, and Lizzie D. called. A good breeze. Pleasant.
Sat., 7-14 - The boys ploughed all day. Lizzie was up here all night. Jennie went home with her this morning. Rozell finished the blinds today.
Sun., July 15th - We all went to S.S. this morning. A good turn out - 121 at S.S. Pleasant day.
Mon., 7-16 - I cut Lizzie's oats this forenoon, 5 acres. Jake, Harris, Dutcher, Strohm, Will Buchanan, and Mel Moran helped. Jess did not come today, having hurt his finger. Jake hoed his apple grafts in the afternoon and I went to town.
Tues., 7-17 - I cut at Mel Moran's oats today, about ten acres. Jake helped. A good day for work.
Wed., 7-18 - This morning I went up to Lyon's to cut their oats. They being badly lodged, concluded to mow them, so I came back to Mel's and finished cutting his oats, 2 acres, making 12 acres all told. Jake helped thresh in the afternoon. Pleasant.
Thurs., 7-19 - Windy. Jake ploughed all day. I helped Father St. John paint on the window blinds.
Fri., 7-20 - Father St. John quit work today noon. In the afternoon I took Lizzie's team and went to Topeka, taking her along. We went by Father St. Johns', taking him home. We stayed at Russum's in Topeka all night. Jake ploughed all day.
Sat., July 21st - We came home from Topeka in the evening. Jake came over today with the mules to get a load of sand. I bought a spring wagon and sent it home with Jake. It cost me $135.00.
Sun., 7-22 - We went to S.S. in the morning. 128 present. Penny collection $2.66. We went to preaching in the afternoon.
Mon., 7-23 - I went to Burlingame today to mill and for lumber. Jake cut weeds.
Tues., 7-24 - We stacked Lizzie's rye and oats today. Quite warm. Besides Jake and I there was Harris, Strohm, and Mel Morhan.
Wed., 7-25 - I commenced work on a porch this morning. Jake cut weeds. Jennie and I went over to Jim Harr's to look at a couple of cows that I bought about two months ago.
Thurs., 7-26 - Jake and I worked on the porch today. Had a good rain in the evening. Ella Selover's mother and sister came in while it was raining.
Fri., 7-27 - Rained during the night and still misting this morning. Ella went home with her mother. Jake and I worked on the porch. Jess came at noon and ploughed in the afternoon.
Sat., 7-28 - I worked on the porch. The boys plowed all day. Windy.
Sun., July 29th - Raining this morning. We went up to S.S. but there was no school today. In the evening we drove over to Alex D. to see how he was getting along with his broken collar bone. We found him quite comfortable.
Mon, 7-30 - We, i.e., Jake, Jess, and I, took hogs to Burlingame. 12 for me at 5 cts. came to $144.00. 6 for Lizzie at 5 cts. came to $73.75. Drizzly cool day.
Tues., 7-31 - I went over to Mr. Bayless today to look at some calves. Did not buy any. Ella came home this morning. Jake hauled stone in the forenoon and took 4 hogs to Burlingame in the afternoon. At 5 cts., $50.00. Jess ploughed all day.
Wed., Aug. 1st - I worked at the porch most of the day. Quayles were here in the afternoon. Jake cut and Jess ploughed most of the day. Rained some last night and early this morning. Cloudy most of the day.
Thurs., 8-2 - Jake ploughed cut weeds some on the hill among the trees. Jess harrowed on the bottom till noon. Jake sowed some turnips. In the afternoon Jess harrowed on the hill. I worked on the porch till noon and went to Burlingame.
Fri., Aug. 3rd - I worked on the porch most of the day. Jennie & Lizzie went to town today to Quayles. Jake cut weeds and Jess harrowed.
Sat., Aug. 4 - I worked on the porch. Jake fixed up the hayrack and done some odd jobs. Jess ploughed on the hill and then harrowed. Ed Brown and Ida (with Lizzie) called today.
Sun., 8-5 - We all went to S.S. in the morning and to church in the afternoon. Lizzie went to church and called on her way home.
Mon., 8-6 - Jake, Leck, and Howard went over to Mr. Wingetts this morning to get some calves of Lizzie's. I cut grass all day. Jake in the afternoon hauled out some old hay for mulch. Jess at home fixing up fence.
Tues., 8-7 - In the forenoon I cut grass and Jake cleaned up for the stockyard. In the afternoon we hauled hay, 4 loads.
Wed., 8-8 - Had quite a shower in the night. In the forenoon we fixed up some water gaps for Lizzie and hauled one load of hay. In the afternoon we hauled hay, 4 loads.
Thurs., 8-9 - I cut grass in the forenoon and Leck cut in the afternoon. Jess & Jake hauled hay, 6 loads. I went to P.C. to school meeting.
Fri., Aug. 10th - Leck cut grass. Ed raked and we hauled with two teams, Jake & I running one, and Jess & Will Buchanan the other. Day's work - 12 loads.
Sat., 8-11 - We worked (all hands) same as yesterday and got in 12 loads of hay. The number of loads for the week - 40.
Sun., 8-12 - We all went to S.S. in the morning. In the afternoon part of us went to Mrs. Andis' to hear Father Kline preach. It rained and we got wet. Lizzie stopped on her way home from S.S.
Mon., 8-13 - Lizzie stopped all night and went home this evening. The boys worked at a shed. I worked a little at the granary then went with Dick Gifford to look at some cattle. Gates got a pig - $8.00.
Tues., 8-14 - I cut grass. The boys worked on the shed. Put some hay in it and hauled some good hay, 2 loads.
Wed., 8-15 - I cut grass in the forenoon and went over to Dr. Grout's, Bush's, ____, and Jim Harr's in the afternoon. The boys hauled hay. Two loads of shed hay, and of good hay 4 loads. Lizzie's baby sick. Jennie down all day.
Thurs., Aug. 16th - I cut grass this forenoon and went to Burlingame to mill in the afternoon. Jake and Jess hauled hay, 6 loads. Leck started to cut grass with Dick and Nellie (the mules) and they run away with the machine, but no one hurt (praise the Lord) and the damage to the machine trifling. Hot.
Fri., 8-17 - I worked most of the forenoon fixing up the machine. In the afternoon I hauled hay and Leck cut grass. Will Buchanan helped to haul. Very windy. Day's work - 10 loads.
Sat., 8-18 - We had a very heavy rain last night. At least 6 inches of water fell. In the forenoon I fixed up some fence and the boys worked on a shed. In the afternoon we hauled hay, 6 loads. Week's work - 28 loads. Total - 60 loads.
Sun., 8-19 - All hands went to S.S. this morning. In the afternoon we went to church. Rained in the evn'g.
Mon, 8-20 - I cut grass all day. In the forenoon Jake worked for himself, hoeing apple grafts. Jess went to Henry Thompson's for some rye and fixed up a water gap. In the afternoon the boys hauled some shed hay.
Tues., 8-21 - I cut millet today. The boys hauled hay, 5 loads.
_____ [break in sequence] ______
Thurs., Oct. 11th - In the forenoon Jennie and I went over to Alex D.'s. In the afternoon I helped Jake pick apples.
Fri., 10-12 - Jake and I picked up some apples and took them to Mr. Garriger's to get them made into cider. We made 38 gals. A rainy afternoon.
Sat., 10-13 - A good rain in the night. Today we cleaned up the yards with a scraper and dug the sweet potatoes.
Sun., 10-14 - We all went to S.S. in the morning and church in the afternoon (except ___). I went up to the colored S.S. in the afternoon. Stopped at Alex's and stayed all night caring for him.
Mon., 10-15 - I worked on the shed. Jake dug potatoes for himself today.
Tues., 10-16 - I worked on the shed. Jake worked for himself. I went to Auburn this evening to lodge. Rainy.
Wed., 10-17 - Rained last night and still raining this forenoon. I fixed up some window curtains for Jennie, & Jake got up stone for his corn crib.
Thurs., 10-18 - I worked all day at Lizzie's, putting up pens, racks, &c. In the forenoon Jake worked for himself. In the afternoon he helped me at Lizzie's.
Fri., Oct. 19th - I went to Burlingame this forenoon to get some lumber. In the evn'g I took a wagon up to Sayer's to get a new box made, &c. Jake worked for himself today. Cool. Wind from the N.W.
Sat. 10-20 - Leck, Ed, and myself dug Lizzie's potatoes today. Jake went to Burlingame and got a load of lumber for himself. Heavy frost last night.
Sun., 10-21 - We all went up to S.S. at P. Centre. In the afternoon I went up to the colored S.S. and came home by way of Alex Dickson's.
Mon., 10-22 - Rained a little during the night. I helped Jake today with his corn crib. Cloudy and threatening rain.
Tues., 10-23 - I helped Jake on his corn crib today. In the evening (early) it commenced raining and kept it up through the night.
Wed., 10-24 - Rained nearly all day. Very little done except the necessary chores.
Thurs., 10-25 - We worked on the shed most of the day. Drizzling in the evn'g.
Fri., 10-26 - In the forenoon Jake and I put apples into the cellar. In the afternoon I went to Burlingame to mill and Jake worked at the apples. Rained again.
Sat., Oct. 27th - Rained a little during the night and still raining this morning. I went to town in the morning while Jake done the feeding. In the afternoon we took some apples to Lizzie's and hauled some hay for the stock. A misting, drizzly day.
Sun., 10-28 - Sun shine today. All hands went to S.S. this morning and to church in the afternoon, except myself. I went up to the colored S.S.
Mon., 10-29 - Jake and I dug potatoes in the forenoon. In the afternoon we carried in the balance of the apples. (We have, in cellar and holes, about 85 bu. of choice, selected apples.) I the evening I went up to Sayer's to get a wagon I was having repaired. Didn't get it.
Tues., 10-30 - This forenoon Jake and I worked on his corn crib. In the afternoon Jake filled the feed racks and I made some pig pens.
Wed., 10-31 - We gathered some corn today for the first time this year.
Thurs., Nov. 1st - Jennie and I went to Topeka today. Jake gathered corn. Cool. South wind.
Fri., 11-2 - Jennie and I went to Burlingame today. I got a couple of teeth filled and Jennie got one extracted. Jake gathered corn. Went to Sayer's and ____.
Sat., Nov. 3rd - In the forenoon Jake and I gathered corn. In the afternoon we filled the feed racks and killed a hog.
Sun., 11-4 - Only part of us went to S.S. this morning, Ed, Lew, and Clare, the rest not being well enough to go. In the evn'g I went over to Alex Dickson's.
Mon., 11-5 - A rainy day with plenty of thunder. I fixed up some wagon boxes and Jake filled the racks. Warm and pleasant for a rainy day at this season of the year.
Tues., 11-6 - Jake and I went to town this morning and voted. In the afternoon we gathered corn. Went to teachers meeting in the evening. Jennie has been sick for several days, in bed nearly all the time. About all the children are sick with something similar to a very bad cold. Alice Andis was here for supper.
Wed., 11-7 - We picked corn all day. Strong wind all forenoon. Mostly clear. Jennie no better. We expected the doctor today but he did not come.
Thurs., 11-8 - I went to town this morning to get some medicine for Jennie and the children. Gathered corn in the afternoon. Jake gathered corn all day. Lightning in the East.
Sun., May 31st - All hands went to S.S. this morning. About 120 present.
Alex D. came over in the afternoon.
Mon, June 1st - I cultivated corn for Lizzie all day. Leck cultivated corn. Ed plowed for Bro. Lowrie.
Tues., 6-2 - I took a load of wheat to Burlingame today and brought back a load of lumber for Pic-Nic. Leck and Ed cultivated corn.
Wed., 6-3 - Today I was on the grounds helping to fix up for our annual Pic-Nic. Bro. Rozell came home with me to dinner. Leck and Ed cultivated corn. Warm.
Thurs, 6-4 - We had a splendid day for our anniversary. Both of the Auburn schools, Fountain Ridge - Twinville and Prairie Centre, took part in the forenoon services and done well. In the afternoon we listened to John MacDonald, L.C. Biggs, Jas. Troutman, and A.B. Campbell. Every thing went off smooth, there being about 1,000 people present.
Fri., 6-5 - The boys plowed in the orchard and I harrowed the ground (for corn).
Sat., 6-6 - I planted potatoes. Leck and Ed plowed corn.
Sun., June 7th - We all went to S.S. in the morning and to church in the afternoon. Henry Thompson and Mr. Chapman were here for dinner. Had a nice rain this evening.
Mon., 6-8 - May and I finished planting the potatoes today. Leck and Ed plowed corn. I went over to Alex D.'s to get a load of corn. A good shower in the night.
Tues., 6-9 - May and I planted corn. The boys cultivated corn all day. In the evening we brought home a swarm of bees from the timber.
Wed., 6-10 - I replanted corn till noon then I plowed some ground for beans. The boys cultivated corn.
Thurs., 6-11 - We worked at the corn. Will Downie took a load of lumber (for me) to Burlingame. School closed today.
Fri., 6-12 - I took a load of wheat to Burlingame today. Will Downie, Leck, and Ed plowed corn all day.
Sat., 6-13 - I took a load of wheat to Burlingame today. Will Downie plowed corn with Leck and Ed all day.
Sun., 6-14 - We all went to S.S. in the morning as usual. Quite a good turn out. About 120 present.
Mon., June 15th - I took a load of wheat to Burlingame. Will Downie helped the boys cultivate corn. Sold 10 qts cherries at 80 cts.
Tues., 6-16 - Jennie and I went to Topeka today. The boys and Will Downie cultivated corn.
Wed., 6-17 - I took wheat to Burlingame today. The boys and Will Downie cultivated corn. Sold cherries. Engle - 25 cts. Yingling - $1.00. Finch and Crumb - $1.27. Gifford Crumb - $1.00. Mr. Ross, 18 qts., $1.40. Total for the day - $5.52.
Thurs., 6-18 - I took a load of wheat to Burlingame. The boys and Will Downie plowed corn. Will has plowed and worked, in all, seven days and we are now even on work.
Fri., 6-19 - I went to Burlingame with wheat. Leck plowed corn and the rest of the boys used the hoe. I took cherries. Charlton ½ lb.- $1.25. Hank Lord ½ lb. - $1.25. Finch 13 ½ qts. - $1.00, and Oliver bros., 25 qts. - $1.92. Total - $5.50. Had a light shower this morning. Ground is very dry.
Sat., 6-20 - This forenoon I looked up the pastures and fixed up the fence. Leck cultivated corn. In the evening we went up and helped Miller drag a seine. Caught a few small ___ [line cut off in copy]
Sun., June 21st - We all went to S.S. this morning. A good attendance. In the afternoon we [went] to church.
Mon., 6-22 - This forenoon I went over to the Reed school house with messrs. Downie and Todd. In the afternoon I took a load of wheat to Burlingame and two bushels of E.R. cherries - $5.12 cts. Leck cultivated corn all day. The boys used the hoe. Mother and Frankie was over today for cherries.
Tues., 6-23 - Leck and I cultivated corn all of today. The boys hoed. Mr. Craig was here for dinner. In the forenoon it rained. Leck went a'fishing and I went to fix up a broken gate. Pet bred to C's horse.
Wed., 6-24 - We ploughed corn all day. Leck broke his cultivator (wheel) in the afternoon.
Thurs., 6-25 - I went down to Geo. Lunn's today to attend the annual meeting of the Wakarusa Valley S.S. Association. No one came but Bro. Moore. Leck cultivated.
Fri., 6-26 - I took the last of the wheat to Burlingame today, Lloyd going with me. We had quite a rain in the afternoon. Leck cultivated corn. Very hot at times.
Sat., 6-27 - This forenoon I went over to Alex D.'s and got a load of corn. Leck cultivated. In the afternoon Leck went seining and I cultivated. Hot and ____ [bottom half of line cut off in copy]
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