Sat., Nov. 23rd - We both gathered corn in the forenoon, Jake alone in the afternoon. Nice day. Hanes worked on the trees. Day's work - 75 bu. Total from the hill - 345 bu.
Sun., Nov. 24th - Went to S.S. as usual, taking Hanes and Davis with us. The school today was large and well attended.
Mon., Nov. 25th - I had a severe chill last night and went to Burlingame for medicine. Jake pulled corn. 30 bu.
Tues., 11-26 - I built a pen to keep in the hogs. Jake pulled corn. Weather cool. Day's work - 50 bu.
Wed., 11-27 - We gathered corn today. Clear and cool. Wind from the North. Day's work - 70 bu.
Thurs., 11-28 - I had a chill last night. Did not do much this forenoon. I helped gather corn in the afternoon. Day's work - 75 bu.
Fri, 11-29 - We all went to mother's on the Sixmile today. Jack gathered corn. 60 bu.
Sat., 11-30 - Rained and hailed by turns this forenoon. In the afternoon it snowed good and strong. Nothing done but care for the stock and get wood.
Sun., Dec. 1st - Snowed and blowed a good part of the night. Snow about 7 inches deep on the level. Sun shone some today. Snow melting a little. Had a hard chill last night. Leck and I went to S.S. this morning.
Mon., 12-2 - I went this morning to the sixmile in search of George Johnston. Found him and he came home with me. Stayed for supper then went to Brown's. Jake cut wood.
Tues., Dec. 3rd - George Johnston came back this morning and we made a trade. I get his wagon and give him $50.00 in the trade and once more we are square. Jake hauled a load or two of manure on the potatoes and took a chill and went to bed. Snow going fast.
Wed., 12-4 - I fixed up a B.B. in the forenoon. In the afternoon I built a pen to put some little pigs in to wean. Had a hard chill last night. Jake hauled manure on the potatoes and had another chill in the evening. Snow gone except the drifts.
Thurs., 12-5 - Jake hauled out manure. I took a load of oats to Topeka. Cool today.
Fri., 12-6 - I built a hay rack to feed the calves in. Jake hauled out manure. Took the calves away from the cows. Strohm husked corn in the shock. Cool.
Sat., 12-7 - I had my regular chill last night, followed by a headache that has lasted all day. Jake hauled out manure in the forenoon and cut wood &c. in the afternoon. I done very little. Helped feed was about all. In the afternoon it snowed and sleeted. Wind due east and quite cold.
Sun., 12-8 - Took the wagon and went to the S.S. Left Ed at home not well. Took Hanes, Davis, & Moore's along. Had a good school. Wind N.W. and quite cold.
Mon., 12-9 - Wind North but not very cold. Jake went away very early after Dr. Wood for Ed who was sick all night with a severe pain in the stomach. The Dr. came in the evening. Mrs. Hanes, Mrs. Moore, and Tisk was here today. I did not do much of anything. Jake hauled a couple of loads of manure.
Tues., 12-10 - All of us went to town to Mother Dickson's, excepting Leck & May who were at school. Jack hauled manure. Quite cold. Wind due East.
Wed., 12-11 - This forenoon I went to the timber and cut wood &c. Alex Dickson was here for dinner, &c. Geo. Slusser, &c. Alex got a load of oats - 50 lbs. at 13 [?] cts. I spent most of the afternoon showing Mr. Wilcox, an Illinois gentleman, some land. Jake hauled manure.
Thurs., 12-12 -
We all went to town and spent theHauled manure and cut a load of wood in the timber. I went to town in the afternoon. Took tea at Bro. Campbell's.Fri., 12-13 - Commenced snowing this in the night and still snowing this morning. Snow fell all day. At least twelve inches of snow on the ground. Wind. N.W.
Sat., 12-14 - Quayle , Jim, & self went down to Pleasant Valley school house to attend a S.S. institute. Found a cold house when we got there. Built a fire and waited till supper time when we went to the neighbors around and got supper. I went to Bro. Porter's. I the evening we had a meeting. Got home about midnight. Quite cold.
Sun., 12-15 - Went to S.S. today. Haines went along. Good turnout considering the weather. Went to church in the evening.
Mon., 12-16 - Jake and I settled up this morning. Feeding the stock and caring for them is about all we can do. Jim got a team and wagon today to take away hogs. Went to church this evening.
Tues., Dec. 17th - Genuine winter weather. Feeding and getting wood is about all we can do. Went to church. Wolf hunt till noon. Cold.
Wed., 12-18 - Same as yesterday except we stayed by the fire as much as we could. Quite cold. Went to church.
Thurs., 12-19 - Jake went to Burlingame to mill today. I done chores, feeding, cutting wood, &c. Not quite so cold.
Fri., 12-20 - I went to Topeka today with Jim & Quayle & Tom Phillips going along. Pleasant winter day.
Sat., 12-21 - I went to Dr. Woods' this morning to get some medicine for Ed. The Dr. was away from home and did not get home till dark. Heavy storm of snow and drift all day Especially severe from N.W. in the afternoon. It has been a snowy week, a few flakes of snow falling at least every other day, probably about three inches during the week. There is no frost under the snow.
Sun., 12-22 - Quite cold. Wind South. Went to S.S. taking my own children, Haines. Good turn out. Went to church in the evening.
Mon., 12-23 - Cold. Done little else but feed and tend the stock. Went to prayer in the evening.
Tues., 12-24 - All hands of us went to town to take dinner with Mother Dickson. Cold in the morning. 6 º below zero.
Wed., 12-25 - All of us in town this morning. Stayed at Mother D.'s all day. Attended a concert last night at the Union Church, held by the Auburn Union Sunday School. 5º below 0 in the morning. Went to prayer meeting this evening.
1879South Branch Wakarusa, Jan. 1st, 1879 - The past year has been a fruitful one. We have been blessed with good crops. The wheat as a general thing was first class, the best we have ever had, 60 to 75. Corn is good as a general thing, worth from 15 to 18 cts. Oats medium. The weather was favorable for a rank growth and they lodged worth 13 to16 cts. Potatoes hardly up to the average, worth 40 to 75 cts. per bu. Hogs are worth $2.00 per cwt. The markets for produce are not good yet we have a great deal to be thankful for.
We have plenty to eat, although we have had a great deal of sickness this fall. Yet through the goodness and energy of our God, we are all here: Jennie, our Mother, Queen, Leck, May, Ed, Lew, Lloyd, and Clare . My prayer is, if it is God's will, that we may be allowed to raise them in the fear of God and that they may grow up into God-fearing men and women and be useful in advancing the cause of Christ. Oh, that God will give us wisdom that we may be able to do this.
At this time I and we promise to live nearer to the cross from this time forward than ever before and, in addition to our usual custom of reading a chapter night an morning and having prayer, we will try to find time each day for at least a minute or more to be used in secret prayer that God will give us our children born anew into the kingdom of God. May the Holy Spirit keep us in remembrance.
Francis M. Stahl
Jennie StahlWe are owing about three hundred dollars. This morning was cold, 20° above 0, and grew colder all day. At night 9° above 0. Snowing, blowing, clear, and cloudy. Mother was over today. The feeding was all we done.
Thurs, Jan. 2nd - Very cold this morning, 21° below 0. At noon 2° above 0. At dark 4° below 0. The sun arose clear but it was cloudy most of the day. Attending to the stock and the wood pile was all we done today.
Fri. 1-3 - Very cold this morning, 18° below 0. At noon 2° below 0, at night 10° below 0. Jake was away at Quayles today. Nothing but get wood and care for the stock. Clear.
Sat., 1-4 - Still cold. 14° below 0 this morning. 6° above 0 at noon. I went down town this afternoon to attend a called meeting of the S.S. association. It was a failure, not one member of the executive com. being present.
Sun. 1-5 - Cold. I went to S.S. by way of Dr. Grout 's to have him call and see Ed who has been sick a long time with chills and neuralgia pains in the stomach. Jake took the team and sled and went to S.S., taking Hanes & Mr. Mull with them. Dr. Grout came home with us and stayed for dinner. Ther. 10° below 0 in the morning.
Mon., 1-6 - Cold, with a strong South wind. Snow drifting. Nothing done but feed the stock. I stayed indoors most of the day. Had a very strong chill in the evening. Morning 15° below 0.
Tues., 1-7 - Somewhat milder this morning. Ther. 20° above 0 in the morning. 30°a above 0 at noon. Wind in the North, getting colder.
Wed., 1-8 - Quite cold this morning, 2° below 0. Went up to 12° above 0 at noon and to 6° above 0 in the evening. Wind northward a little during the night. I cut wood in the timber and at the woodpile. Jake cleaned out the stable. Mr. Barnes came over this evening. Nearly clear.
Thurs., Jan. 9th - Still cold. Nothing done but attend to the chores: feeding and watering the stock and cutting wood.
Fri., 1-10 - Had a very hard chill last night. Went to Carriger's to get some apples for Ed. Went to teachers' meeting this evening at P.C. Mr. Hanes was here today. 12° above 0 in the morning. 22° above 0 at noon.
Sat., 1-11 - Still cold. 16° above zero M. 28° above 0 noon. I mended some harness in the forenoon and helped haul a load or two of hay in the afternoon and went to town in the evening. Strohm's was here today on a visit.
Sun. 1-12 - An unpleasant morning. We went to S.S. as usual, about 50 being present.
Mon., 1-13 - A dreary looking day. A very heavy hoar frost. Jake got up some wood today. I had a very heavy chill last night. Went to town this morning for medicine for Ed.
Tues., 1-14 - Not very cold. I had another chill last night. Jake done the chores.
Wed., 1-15 - Rained and sleeted last night. I stayed in the house all day. Not very cold.
Thurs, 1-16 - Quite cold this morning. 3° above 0. I have missed my chill for once and I am thankful and in hopes that, by care and close watching, to regain my health. Jim's was up today. Also Mr. Moore & Mrs. Hanes. Also Dr. Grout.
Fri., 1-17 - I remained indoors all day
Jake, except going to town in the sled and bringing Mother Dickson over here today. Jake done the chores.Sat., 1-18 - I walked around a little today. Went up into the timber. Jake cut a little wood.
Sun., Jan 19th - Cold again this morning. 4° below 0. I went to S.S. this morning taking Leck , May, and the Hanes family. Jim's came home with us for dinner.
Mon. 1-20 - Jim and I spliced teams and went to Topeka today. Jake went up to Gifford's and brought home a colt that he had traded for.
Tues., 1-21 - I took 13 hogs to Wakarusa Station today. They weighed [blank] lbs. I hauled 4 of them down in a sled and Jim and Leck drove the rest. Jake attended to the chores. Clear and thawing.
Wed., 1-22 - Jake hauled some wood and attended to the feeding. I done little or nothing.
Thurs., 1-23 - I went to town to attend church, and from there to Mother's. Wind S. Clear. Thawing.
Fri., 1-24 - I cut wood at the woodpile all day. Jake hauled wood, fed the stock, &c.
Sat., 1-25 - Jake and I both worked on the woodpile except while we were feeding. Mostly clear. Wind. N.E. Mrs. Fleck and Mack was here today.
Sun, 1-26 - A warm, damp, misty morning. Wind South. Snow melting rapidly. 54° above 0 at noon. Leck and I went to S.S. at P.C.
Mon., 1-27 - Jake done the feeding and hauled some wood. I cut wood at the woodpile all day. Warm till about 10 o'clock, with a south wind. 56° above 0. The wind went into the N.W. and the mercury fell abt 20° in a couple of hours. At sundown 33° above 0.
Tues., Jan. 28th - I cut wood at the woodpile all day. Wind. N.E. Warm and cloudy. Foggy, looking like rain. Jake done the chores and cut some wood. Jerome for dinner.
Wed., Jan. 29th - Weather same as yesterday. Looking like rain. Wind N.W. Warm. I worked at the woodpile all day. Jake hauled wood all day.
Thurs., 1-30 - Wind East. Cloudy. Warm. I worked at the woodpile all day. Jake done the chores and scraped out some manure into the field.
Fri., 1-31 - Quite cool. Wind N. E. I went to Topeka today, Bro. Campbell going along. Jake hauled, or rather scraped, manure into the field. Snowed sharp at times.
Sat., Feb. 1st - We hauled out hay and got up some wood. Jake scraped manure in the afternoon.
Sun., Feb. 2nd - Cloudy and misting at times. Leck and I went to S.S. on horseback.
Mon, 2-3 - We killed three hogs today. Jim and Tom Phillips helped us. Strohm finished husking corn today. In the afternoon Jake ___ ____ __ in some corn.
Tues., 2-4 - Jennie and I went to Topeka today, taking Ed with us. The Drs. (Eidson and Mulvane ) think he will get well. We took dinner at Russum's. Jake pulled corn.
Wed., 2-5 - I took Yeager's spring wagon home this morning, then I went to the sixmile to draw an article of agreement between Mother and Mr. & Mrs.Gablin. Jake hauled the corn in.
Thurs., Feb. 6th - I cut wood at the woodpile. Jake hauled wood all day.
Fri., 2-7 - Jake hauled wood till noon and helped me at the woodpile in the afternoon.
Sat., 2-8 - We worked at the woodpile all day. Six-Mile Moore was here today. Alex Dickson and Tom Markham was here last evening. Tom stayed here all night.
Sun., 2-9 - I took the wagon today, our own folks and Hanes'. A large school today. Jennie went to church evening.
Mon., 2-10 - I cut wood at the wood pile all day. Jake scraped out manure. Warm and cloudy. W. S.
Tues., 2-11 - Warm and windy. Made post today, Hanes helping us. Wind South. Day's work - 140 posts.
Wed., 2-12 - Cold. 8° above 0. Wind blowing strong from the N.W. Made posts today. Hanes helped in the afternoon. Jim was here for dinner. 102 posts.
Thurs., 2-13 - Hanes, Jake, and myself made posts today. A good day for work. Day's work - 103 posts.
Fri., 2-14 - Same as yesterday. Today we piled up 155 posts, making in all 500 posts.
Sat., 2-15 - Today Jake and I made a rack in which to feed cattle and filled it with straw. Hanes trimmed up the tops left from making posts.
Sun., 2-16 - Went to S.S. this morning. About three inches of snow fell last night and in the evening.
Mon., 2-17 - I cut wood at the woodpile most of the time. Jake hauled wood. Hanes and Mull finished trimming the tops. About 4° above 0.
Tues, Feb. 18th - I cut wood at the woodpile all day. Jake hauled wood. Hanes and Mull sawed wood with in the timber.
Wed., Feb. 19th - Jake and I filled the rack with hay for the cattle. In the afternoon Jake hauled and I cut wood.
Thurs., 2-20 - I cut wood and Jake hauled. Quite cool. Wind in the West. __ ___ _ _ _ __ __ _ __ __ _
Fri., 2-21 - Jake and I both cut wood at the woodpile today. Wind blowing strong from the South. Warm. 35° above 0.
Sat., 2-22 - I went to Topeka today, taking Aleck with me. I took 19 bu of wheat to _____. Jake worked at the woodpile. Cool ___
Sun., 2-23 - We went to S. S. this morning, taking Ed with us. The first time Ed has been to school for a long time. Hanes went with us. The school was large, about 70. Jim's and Dick Gifford's was here today for dinner. Jennie and I went to church in the evening. Ther 70° above 0.
Mon., 2-24 - I took Jennie and Mother Dickson over to John Thompson's this morning. Went for them in the evening. Bro. Shepherdson was here today for dinner. Also Jerome. Jake worked at the woodpile Quite warm. 70° above 0 in the shade.
Tues., 2-25 - Jim and I took some hogs down to _____ today. I had 14 head weighing 3,800 lbs. ____ ____ average 271 3/7. Value $119.70. Weather cold. Strong wind from the N.W. Snow blowing. At sundown ther 10°, making a fall of 66° in the last 24 hours.
Wed., 2-26 - Quite cold. Ther. at 0. Jake went to Linden today to pay his taxes and mine. I fixed up the harness and fed the cattle. Mrs. Hanes and Mrs. Moore were here today.
Thurs., 2-27 - I cut wood or gathered it up in the timber and fixed a place for the chickens in the forenoon. In the afternoon I went to Fogwell's to take home a couple of hooks belonging to his stalk cutter. Jake got home about noon. Strong south wind. Warmer today.
Fri., 2-28 - I killed three hogs this forenoon. Jim helped. In the afternoon we (Jake & I) started to build a hay shed for storing tools for the summer. Warm and windy. Aleck was here today ____.
Sat., March 1st - Wind went into the North last night and it is about 40° colder than yesterday. Snowed a little and there has been a mist falling all day that is freezing into ice. I cut up the hogs and salted them down this forenoon. In the afternoon we filled the feed rack with hay.
Sun., 3-2 - I went to S.S. taking Leck and May, Hanes & Lizzie. Quite cool. Misting and freezing. Large school - 68.
Mon., 3-3 - I went to town with Mull. Got my plough fixed. Jake cleaned out the grapes. ___ g. berries.
Tues., 3-4 - Jennie and I went to Topeka today, taking May along. Cool but pleasant. Bro. Campbell and Hanes went along. Jake filled the feed rack and hauled out manure. Had a hard ___ [bottom of line cut off]
Wed., March 5th - I set some forks for a hay shed in the forenoon. In the afternoon I trimmed grapes. Jake hauled manure. Warm. Went to P. meeting.
[The rest of the dates on this page are entered incorrectly as February, i.e. 2-6, 2-7, etc. instead of March.]
Thurs., 2-6 - I worked on my grapes about all day. I took a chill about 4 o'clock and went to bed. Jake hauled manure from the stable to ___
Fri, 2-7 - I had a very hard chill, followed as usual with severe headache. I trimmed a few trees, Jake hauled manure. Hot and clear. Windy. 89-90° above zero.
Sat., 2-8 - Had a chill in the night. Got up about 8:30. Hitched up and went to town to attend a meeting of the church building committee. Mother Dickson went along. Jake hauled manure. Warm and very windy.
Sun., 2-9 - I went to S.S. this morning, taking Hanes as usual. A beautiful day. Had a light chill.
Mon., 2-10 - I trimmed cherry trees today. Fleck and Walker were here for dinner. Jake hauled manure all day.
Tues., 2-11 - I went to Topeka today, taking Leck along. Mother Dickson went along as far as town. I bought a Hapgood sulky plow and harrow today, $58.00. Jake hauled manure.
Wed., 2-12 - I trimmed some trees. Done very little work. Jake hauled manure all day.
Thurs., 2-13 - I trimmed a few trees. Set up the sulky plow and put teeth in the harrow. Warm.
Fri., 2-14 - Quite cold. Wind North. Jim and Jake broke cornstalks all day. I done very little. Went to [page torn].
[The dates return to the correct month - March - at this point on a new page.]
Sat., 3-15 - Quite cool. Wind North. Jake and I hauled hay all day.
Sun., 3-16 - A chilly day. I went to S.S. taking the children and Hanes.
Mon., 3-17 - Quite cold. 6° above 0. I went to town today to attend Mrs. ___ Marry's sale. Cold north wind all day. Jake scraped manure.
Tues., 3-18 - Wind in the North. Quite cool. I laid up stone fence all day. Jake scraped manure out of the hill corral.
Wed., 3-19 - Jake and I hauled hay till noon. In the afternoon I laid up stone fence and Jake scraped manure. Cool. 7° above 0. Snowing.
Thurs., 3-20 - We hauled hay and straw till noon, filling up the feed racks. In the afternoon I prepared some ground for potatoes and Jake prepared some potatoes for the ground. Cool. Wind N.W.
Fri., 3-21 - Cool, but we planted potatoes. Early Rose, Snowflake. Fed the stock as usual. Jerome was over today.
Sat., 3-22 - In the forenoon we hauled hay. In the afternoon I cleaned up about the old stone quarries, burning the weeds and grass. Went to town in the evening. Took supper with Mrs. Roberts. Jake hauled manure.
Sun. 3-23 - All hands went to S.S. in the morning (i.e., 4 of us). Strong wind from the South. Mr. Farnsworth , Supt. of the Pleasant Valley S.S., and family visited the school today. Jennie, Leck, & May went to church in the evening.
Mon, 3-24 - After feeding the stock I hitched up the Hapgood sulky plow and plowed all day. Jake split some posts. Dug a place for a hotbed and quarried a few stones. Cool. Wind N.W.
Tues., March 25th - I took a load of hogs to Wakarusa Station (8) weighing 1,865 lbs. At 3 cts. they brought $55.95. I came home by way of VanDerlip's & Dr. Wood's. Jake hauled out feed, a few posts, and some manure for a hotbed.
Wed., 3-26 - We topped out the haystacks for summer keeping in the forenoon. In the afternoon I set a few trees and vines & Jake hauled some ground from the creek for [the] hotbed.
Thurs., 3-27 - I ploughed with the sulky plow. Jake grubbed out some bush by the creek.
Fri., 3-28 - I ploughed and Jake grubbed. Went to town in the evening.
Sat., 3-29 - I ploughed till noon. In the afternoon I set out some budded peach trees and some blackberries. In the forenoon Jake cleaned out the well then helped me.
Sun., 3-30 - Went to S.S. with our usual number, and Mr. Mull added. Dolly a colt. ____
Mon., 3-31 - I ploughed all day. Jake set out some blackberries.
Tues., April 1st - I ploughed all day. Jake built fence all day. Bro. Rounds and wife was here for supper, then went up to P.C. to S.S. teachers' meeting.
Wed., 4-2 - I ploughed most of the day. Was over to Foss's about three hours. Jake hunted for Nimrod in the [page torn] Built fences, baled hay.
Thurs., April 3rd - I ploughed all day. Jake was gone till noon after Nimrod. In the afternoon he grubbed out some trees. Cold. 10° above 0. Windy.
Fri., 4-4 - I ploughed all day. Jake grubbed all day.
Sat., 4-5 - I ploughed till near night. Jake grubbed all day. I went to town in the evening to attend a business meeting of the church.
Sun., 4-6 - I went to S.S. this morning taking all the babies excepting Clare. Jennie went to town with Jim's to attend quarterly meeting. Had a heavy shower just after noon, accompanied by thunder.
Mon., 4-7 - I went to McCaslin's and to town in the morning, then went to ploughing. Jake went to Strohm's and got some B.berries and set them out.
Tues., 4-8 - I went to ploughing and Jake to gardening. Rained a little in the afternoon. Wind ___.
Wed., 4-9 - I ploughed all day. Jake went to grubbing. Went to Jim's in the evening. Cool.
Thurs., 4-10 - I ploughed all day. Jake grubbed most of the day. Cool.
Fri., 4-11 - I ploughed as usual. Jake hunted for a calf till noon then went to grubbing. Mother was over today and got a load of posts. May went home with Mother.
Sat., 4-12 - ploughed till about three o'clock then I went to Jim's to get a few Bible references, then I went to look for a calf. Found it at Dick___ [page torn]. Jake ____ ___ of posts.
Sun., April 13th - I went to S.S. this morning. Mother, Lizzie, and Mrs. Mull went along in addition to our usual load. In the afternoon Jennie and I went to a Bible reading at Prairie Centre to have been conducted by Bro. Rounds, but he failed to come.
Mon., 4-14 - I ploughed all day. Rained a good shower about noon. Jake grubbed all day.
Tues., 4-15 - I ploughed till about two o'clock when Old Gus got sick and had to stop.
Jake ploughed all day.Jake grubbed.Wed., 4-16 - I ploughed on the hill. Jake ditto.
Thurs., 4-17 - I ploughed on the hill.
Fri., 4-18 - I ploughed on the hill. Jake hunted part of the day for a strayed calf.
Sat., 4-19 - I went to Topeka. Leck and Ed went along. Jake brought the calf home this morning from Ben Becker's, then went to ploughing.
Sun., 4-20 - Went to S.S. in the morning. In the afternoon went to church (P.C.), Jennie going along.
Mon., 4-21 - I set out trees all day, Jake ploughing with the sulky plow. 100 apple trees all W. Saps. 450 apple root grafts. W. Sap & Jno, pippin, also 10 peonias, 7 chrysanthemums, and 10 _____.
Tues., April 22nd - I plowed and Jake finished the headlands, then went to harrowing.
Wed., 4-23 - I finished the hill by noon. In the afternoon I went over to the S. bottom. Jake harrowed all day.
Thurs., 4-24 - Rained last night and most of this forenoon. I trimmed three colts, 2 for myself and one for Jocelyn. Set out 50 ___ cherries. Jennie at Jim's all night.
Fri., 4-25 - I went to ploughing, and Jake hunted calves and harrowed.
Sat., 4-26 - Same as yesterday, only Jake found the lost calf in the evening.
Sun., 4-27 - Went to S.S. this morning, as usual.
Mon., 4-28 - I ploughed today. Fleck was over today assessing property. Jake marked and harrowed.
Tues., 4-29 - I ploughed all day. Jake finished marking the hill and started on the west bottom field.
Wed., 4-30 - It rained most of the night. Pretty wet, but I went to ploughing. Jake cut potatoes till noon. In the afternoon he marked for corn.
Thurs., May 1 - I ploughed all day and Jake marked for corn.
Fri., 5-2 - I ploughed all day and Jake harrowed in the south bottom.
Sat., 5-3 - We started to plant corn this morning. Took the planter to town, got it fixed, and planted rest of day.
Sun., May 4 - Went to S.S., taking May and Ed, Leck being sick. Nan Dickson and babies, and Emiline Moran nee, Shumway, was here today. I took them home in the evening, all the family going along. Mother Dickson staying at Aleck's.
Mon., 5-5 - We planted corn all day on the hill.
Tues., 5-6 - We finished the hill about ten o'clock then went to work in the west bottom field.
Wed., 5-7 - We finished the west bottom field about five o'clock. I ploughed a little in the south bottom.
Thurs., 5-8 - I ploughed in the south bottom all day and Jake harrowed and marked. Mrs. Foss and William [?] here to study lessons.
Fri., 5-9 - I finished ploughing in an hour or so and Jake finished marking. We went to planting about ten o'clock.
Sat., 5-10 - Finished the south bottom about 4 o'clock and planted a little sweet corn next [to] the stable.
Sun., 5-11 - Went to S.S. this morning, taking Leck, May, and Ed along. Had a Bible reading at three o'clock. Subject: Bible ___
Mon., 5-12 - I planted potatoes all day (Leck helping me). Jake harrowed corn in the orchard. Lizzie was up today.
Tues., 5-13 - I planted potatoes till noon. In the afternoon I went up to Casy Walton's and Walker's to trim some colts (3). Jake helped to cut and plant some potatoes.
Wed., May 14 - We planted potatoes till noon. In the afternoon we planted (in melons, pumpkins) a piece of new land.
Thurs., 5-15 - In the forenoon I worked on the hill setting out sweet potato plants and ploughing about the house. In the afternoon I ploughed a couple of odd bits of land around the edge of the west bottom field. Jake harrowed the potato patches and planted some pumpkins and melons.
Fri., 5-16 - Mulched a few blackberries in the forenoon and went to town in the afternoon to get the horses shod and some other work done. Jake planted a few pumpkins, harrowed a little, and repaired the pasture fence in the afternoon.
Sat., 5-17 - I went to Topeka today. Leck went along. I got sand and cement for fixing the spring house. Jake replanted the hill, or rather planted between the apple trees where we could not get with the planter.
Sun., 5-18 - Went to S.S. in the morning and to preaching in the afternoon. I let May go home with Quayles from S.S.
Mon., 5-19 - Jake and I cemented the springhouse today. Rained a little.
Tues., 5-20 - I went to town this morning to get a plough and some things mended. In the afternoon I planted some potatoes. Jake hoed in the garden. Joe Watson called.
Wed., 5-21 - I took Joe to town this morning, then started to mulch B.berries, then to trimming trees. Jake hoed in the garden and mulched B.B.s
Thurs., May 22nd - I trimmed apple trees all day and Jake mulched blackberries.
Fri., 5-23 - My birthday. 38 years old. "The years are passing quickly by." I trimmed trees. Jake mulched BBs and cut rye out of the wheat awhile in the evening.
Sat., 5-24 - I went to town in the forenoon to get a load of things for Mother Dickson as she is moving her things over to our house. In the afternoon I fixed up the cultivators ready for work. Jake and Leck cut rye out of the wheat all day. It has been a very windy week, hot and threatening rain almost every day. Did sprinkle a little.
Sun., 5-25 - We went to S.S. this morning, Leck, May, and Ed. In the afternoon we went to a Bible reading at P.C. The subject was Old Testament prophecies, concerning those fulfilled in the New Testament.
Mon., 5-26 - I went to town this morning to bring Mother Dickson and her effects over here, she having rented ____ ____ day. In the afternoon I ploughed a little corn. Jake ___ __.
Tues., 5-27 - I took a load of hogs to the station for Jim this forenoon. In the afternoon I ploughed corn. Jake ploughed corn all day.
Wed., 5-28 - We both ploughed corn all day.
Thurs., 5-29 - Same as yesterday, ploughing corn. Rained little and threatened a great deal.
Fri., 5-30 - We both ploughed corn all day. Mrs. __oss and Will was over last evening to study the lessons.
Sat., May 31st - In the forenoon I went over to __ ____ __ a hog. In the afternoon I went __ ___ ___ set of wheels that ___ ___ ___ Jake ploughed corn in the forenoon and worked on the shed in the afternoon.
Sun., 6-1 - Went to S.S. in the morning, Jim's coming up and going with us. In the afternoon we all -- Jim's, Jennie, Lloyd, and Lew -- went up to P.C. to hear Bro. Campbell preach. John and Helen was over in the evening.
Mon., 6-2 - I took 12 head of hogs to Farnsworth this morning. Jim took one load. They brought me $96.40. In the afternoon I ploughed corn. Jake ploughed on the hill.
Tues., 6-3 - We both ploughed corn all day.
Wed., 6-4 - Jennie, Leck, Lew, and Lloyd went to Topeka with me today. John Thompson went along. Jake ploughed corn. 97°
Thurs., 6-5 - We both ploughed all day. 94°
Fri., 6-6 - We both ploughed corn all day and finished the corn. 2nd time.
Sat., 6-7 - Fixed up the south fence. Put in a gate and built a pen for the calves. Went to town in the afternoon to get some ____ at the blacksmith shop.
Sun., 6-8 - Went to S.S. in the morning and Bible reading at P.C. in the afternoon.
Mon., 6-9 - We went to ploughing corn today, going over it the third time. Very warm. At 1 o'clock the ther. registered 103° on the north side of the building. Very windy. Jerome was here for dinner. Trimmed a colt for Kline.
Tues., 6-10 - I went to Will Hibbard's today to attend a meeting held in the interest of the Sabbath School. Bros. ____, Barker, and Counts were present. In the evening I went to Foss's to meet Quayles and Pomeroys to look after the interests of the Prairie Center S.S. Jake ploughed corn.
Wed., 6-11 - We both ploughed corn today. Very hot, min. about 97° to 98° above 0. Trimmed a colt for Mrs. Andis.
Thurs., 6-12 - We both ploughed corn today. Very hot. Ther. registered 100° above 0 in the shade.
Fri., 6-13 - We both ploughed corn all day. Hot and threatening rain. Rain a little toward evening. Hot and windy at times. 96° above 0
Sat., 6-14 - We had a nice rain this forenoon. In the afternoon we finished the corn for the third time. I started to town for the mail. Met Jim on the road bringing the mail and came back
Sun., 6-15 - Went to S.S. this morning. In the afternoon we went to church, all hands -- Aleck _____ going with us.
Mon., June 16 - I went to work this morning to set up the reaper. Went to ___ __ shop in the afternoon to get ___ and a hook for the reaper. Jake ploughed potatoes in the forenoon and corn in the afternoon.
Tues., 6-17 - It commenced raining about ___ ___ and kept it up for 2 or 3 hours. ____ ___ was here for dinner. We mulched some apple trees in the afternoon.
Wed., 6-18 - This forenoon I ploughed about the house. Sowed some bluegrass seed in the afternoon. I mulched grapevines. Jake ploughed corn. Mother was over today.
Thurs., 6-19 - Leck and I went to Topeka today. Rained a little on the road. Jake ploughed corn. Will Quayle and came [sic] this evening to supper.
Fri., 6-20 - We had a splendid rain today. Quayle and I went up in the Gifford settlement to take up to the interests of the Prairie Centre class. We took dinner with Bro. Gifford.
Sat., 6-21 - This forenoon we (neighbors) fixed in the times for quarterly meeting. In the afternoon I went to meeting at _____. Frank Black came home [with] us to supper. Jake hauled a load or two of straw.
Sun., 6-22 - Threatening rain. We went to quarterly meeting. Had a good day and a good turnout at Sabbath School.
Mon., June 23rd - I cut wheat today. Mr. Mull, Morse, Quayle, Mack, Gifford, and Young ____ bound, and Jim and Jake shocked.
Tues., 6-24 - I cut wheat today. Had the same hands as yesterday. Mack quit work about ten o'clock. Jake took his place.
Wed., 6-25 - We had a good rain last night. I took the sulky rake to town this morning to get it repaired. In the afternoon I cut wheat. Quayle, Mull, Morse, Foss, & Jake bound, and Jim and Sammy Morse, with Leck's help, did the shocking.
Thurs., 6-26 - Raining this morning and kept raining all day long, or nearly. Went a' fishing in the evening.
Fri., 6-27 - Rain, rain all day long. Not hard, but steady. I went down to Jim's. Stayed for dinner.
Sat., 6-28 - Leck and I set up the down wheat this forenoon and Jake scraped out the corral. In the afternoon I finished cutting the wheat. I had Mr. & Willie Foss, Morse, & Quayle helped me.
Sun., 6-29 - Went to S.S. in the morning and to prayer meeting in the afternoon. Jennie went along.
Mon., 6-30 - I cut wheat for Jim, 8 ½ acres. Jake ploughed corn. Cloudy, threatening rain.
Tues., July 1st - I cut wheat and rye for Strohm today, about 7 acres. Hot.
Wed., July 2nd - I stacked wheat for Jim this forenoon. In the afternoon I stacked for myself. In the forenoon Mull and Jake set out the wheat to dry. In the afternoon Jake and Will Foss set out wheat to dry. In the afternoon Jim, Mull, Morse, and Sammy helped me stack.
Thurs., July 3rd - I stacked wheat today. Mull, Morse, and Sammy Morse helped me to stack. Threatening rain all day but none fell. I have been nearly sick all day. Jake set out wheat in the forenoon then ploughed corn.
Fri., 7-4 - The day we celebrate the 103rd anniversary of our independence. We all went to Wakarusa Station today to celebration, except Jake. He stayed at home and ploughed corn. Had a nice rain last night. Very hot. Mother D. went home with Alex.
Sat., 7-5 - We finished stacking wheat this forenoon. I had the same help as before. Jake plowed corn.
Sun., 7-6 - We went to S.S. today as usual.
Mon., 7-7 - I raked the wheat ground over today. Jake ploughed corn. Hot.
Tues., 7-8 - I finished the raking in the forenoon. In the afternoon Jake and I stacked the rakings. We had three good loads.
Wed., 7-9 - [dated but no entry]
Thurs., 7-10 - In the afternoon I mulched grapes.
Fri., 7-11 - I cut rye for George Johnston this forenoon, about 4 acres, or maybe not quite so much. In the afternoon I cut oats for Jim.
Sat., 7-12 - Rained.
Sun., 7-13 - We went to S.S. as usual.
Mon., 7-14 - I cut oats for Jim today. Done a little at Mull's.
Tues., 7-15 - I finished the oats by noon. It was ten acres for Jim and five for Mull.
Wed., July 16 - Went to Topeka today with Jim. Nice and cool in the forenoon. Warm in the afternoon.
Thurs., 7-17 - Had a big rain last night. Everything soaked up good. All hands, including Jake, went to a pic-nic held in Robinson's Grove. Jim's folks went along with us.
Fri., 7-18 - I undertook to cover a shed today but I got so sick I had to leave it. ____ was over today. Mr. McGoffin and one of the girls also. Jake pulled weeds.
Sat., 7-19 - This forenoon Jake and I covered the shed. In the afternoon I ploughed under some weeds and cleaned up the tools to put away.
N.B. Since the 1st of July, where the work is not specified that Jake or myself done, we have been mulching, ploughing, hoeing, or weeding trees. There has been some very hot weather. On Fri, 7-11, the ther. registered 101°. On a number of days it has gotten to 99°.Sun., 7-20 - Very warm today. I went to S.S. at two o'clock, the time being changed from ten till two. Immediately after S.S. Bro. O.F. Rounds conducted a Bible reading. Subject: assurances that the Bible ___ ___ing was followed ___ ___ ___ ___ __ ___ __ __ __ __ __ __ ___ __.
Mon., 7-21 - I finished ___ ___ __ ___ __ __ __ __ __ __ _overhauled the __ __ __ _ _ among the trees.Tues., 7-22 - This forenoon I done very little. ___ ____ __ Gifford __ ___ __ _ we didn't get __ __ __.
Wed., July 23rd - Raining and misting at times in the forenoon. Fixed the wheat stacks this morning then I went to ploughing in the __ bottom (stubble) ground. Jake used the ___ among the trees. Wind mostly East.
Thurs., 7-24 - I was ploughing all day. Jake helped. Mull stack oats. Warm.
Fri., 7-25 - I ploughed this forenoon. In the afternoon I went over to Dick Gifford's and traded him two mares and their colts and a five year old horse for three mules. Jake hoed among the trees. Rained a very little. Leck took Mike to town and got him shod.
Sat., 7-26 - I spent the forenoon looking for a calf that got [out] of the pasture. Did not find it. Jake went to Topeka today to attend the Big Show. In the afternoon I ploughed a little. Leck stayed with Lizzie last night, Jim being away at Topeka. Kate united.
Sun., 7-27 - I went to town this morning to the U.S.S. In the afternoon we all went to P. Centre. There was no S.S. The time was past for opening before I got there. Bro. Campbell preached.
Mon., 7-28 - I ploughed today with the sulky plow. The ground is dry and the weather hot. Jake hoed apple trees.
Tues., 7-29 - I went over to Thompson's this morning to see Henry in regard to ___ ___ his bull. Jake hoed trees. I ploughed ___ ___ ___ ___.
Wed., 7-30 - I ____ ____ ___ the drill. Jake __ [bottom half of line cut off]
Thurs., 7-31 - We mulched berries. Bro. _____ and Lady were here today. Very warm.
Fri., Aug. 1st - We __ ___ the ___ fence. Wind from the South. Very warm. 99º.
Sat., Aug. 2nd - I worked on the B.berries all day, ____ , trimming and tying up. Jake hauled manure. The mercury rose to 105 º in the shade at 12:30.
Sun., 8-3 - Brown Carter and his wife were here today for dinner. Also Alex and Mother Dickson. We went to S.S. in the afternoon, except Jennie and Mother D. After S.S. Bro. Rounds conducted a Bible reading. After S.S. ___ ___ being Sunday school workers and their ____.
Mon., 8-4 - I worked at the blackberries part of the day and Jake hauled manure. Quayle was here an hour or two after dinner. Hottest day of the season. Ther. 106 º in the shade.
Tues., 8-5 - I worked on the B. berries. Finished today. Jake hauled manure. Ther. 104 º
Wed., 8-6 - I fixed up the mowing machine today preparatory to cutting grass. Jake hauled manure. Not so warm today.
Thurs., 8-7 - I fixed up the hayrack this forenoon and the harness in the afternoon. Jake hauled manure all day. Pleasant.
Fri., 8-8 - Leck and I went to Topeka today. Jake hauled manure. Pleasant. Not hot.
Sat., 8-9 - Jake and I both hauled hay. ____ [line partially cut off]
Sun. 8-10 - We all went to S.S. and church in the afternoon. Bro. Cooley preached.
Mon., 8-11 - I went to cutting grass this morning. Jake took the mules and hauled hay for Jim this forenoon. In the afternoon he raked.
Tues. 8-12 - I went to Farnsworth's this forenoon to get some extras for the machine. In the afternoon I cut grass and Leck raked hay, his first. Jake and Mull hauled.
Wed., 8-13 - I cut grass today. Jake and ___ hauling. They drew six loads.
Thurs., 8-14 - Had a good rain last night and today. Jake mowed some weeds. I went to town to school meeting in the afternoon.
Fri., 8-15 - I cut grass in the afternoon. In the forenoon I went up to ____ and budded a few peach trees. In the forenoon Jake cut two shocks of corn. In the afternoon Mull and Jake hauled hay.
Sat., 8-16 - I set up at Mr. Morris all night, one of his boys having died from a fall from a horse. He was hurt on Monday last. I went to town in the forenoon at the Union church. The sermon was preached by Mr. Waters. Jake and Mull hauled hay and cut up corn. 4 bales.
Sun., 8-17 - We all went to S.S. this morning, Lizzie and Mulls going along. ____ had ____ ____ after S.S. Good turnout.
Mon., Aug. 18th - I cut grass all day. Jake cut corn. Very windy. Leck done the raking.
Tues., 8-19 - I cut grass all day. Leck raked and Jake cut corn. Strong wind [from] the West.
Wed;. 8-20 - Jake and I hauled hay all day, Jim and Mull in the afternoon. Quayle got a load of corn. Very windy. 9 loads.
Thurs., 8-21 - We hauled the same as yesterday till noon. In the afternoon Mull and Jake hauled 9 loads and I cut grass. The last 1 ½ days of hired work Jim pays for. Very windy.
Fri., 8-22 - I cut grass in the forenoon, and in the afternoon Jake and I hauled hay. Jake and Mull hauled hay in the forenoon. ___ loads.
Sat., 8-23 - Jake and I hauled hay in the forenoon. In the afternoon I went to town to the primary meeting. Jake fixed the stacks with weights. No. of loads of hay up to date - 45.
Sun., 8-24 - All hands went to S.S. and church in the afternoon. Bro. Campbell preached.
Mon., 8-25 - I went to Burlingame this morning with Mr. Foss to see Allen Blandon who is very poorly. Had a shower of rain about noon. Got wet. Took dinner at Foss's. Jake cut corn. I helped a while in the afternoon. There was 22 shocks put up today, 41 before ___ ____
Tues., 8-26 - We cut corn all day. Quite warm. 97º above 0 in the shade. Day's work - 44 shocks.
Wed., 8-27 - We cut corn all day. Day's work ___ . Total - 145.
Thurs., Aug. 28th - We cut corn all day. Warm and windy. Ther. 98 º above 0 in the shade. Day's work - 40 shocks.
Fri. 8-29 - We cut corn all day. Warm and windy. Day's work - 40 shocks. Total - 225.
Sat., 8-30 - Cut corn today as usual. Not quite so warm. 92 º above 0. Day's work - 34 shocks.
Sun., 8-31 - We - Leck, May, Ed, and myself - went to S.S. this afternoon. We elected officers for the next six months. I was chosen _____
Mon., Sept. 1st - Jake and I finished cutting corn today. Wind North, Ther. 86 º above 0. Day's work - 37 shocks
Tues., 9-2 - I budded some peach trees today. ____ Ther. 84 º above 0. Harvey Stephens called this evening.
Wed., 9-3 - I ploughed around the house with the sulky plough and filled up some wheat preparatory to going to Topeka tomorrow. Lizzie was up today.
Thurs., 9-4 - I took 22 bushels of wheat to Topeka today. Rained a little this morning.
Fri., 9-5 - We had quite a rain this morning. I worked around the stable fixing up the ____.
Sat., 9-6 - I sowed some blue grass and oats around the house this forenoon. In the afternoon I made a pen down at the stable to feed the calves in.
Sun., 9-7 - I went to town. Attended the Union ____ . In the afternoon we all went to Prairie Centre. Jim's went with us - 5. Mulls - 4. Us - 8. Moore's - 2.
Mon., 9-8 - Jake raked. ___ Melton ___ [two illegible lines]
_________ [break in sequence] _________
Tues., Nov. 11th - Went to work as usual but it commenced raining about 9 o'clock and poured the rest of the day. Everything flooded. I went for May and Leck and brought them home from school. Frank Fleck and Mr. Dickinson was here for dinner.
Wed., Nov. 12 - Went to work at the house. Jim hauled some stone and waited on me. John Gifford came after some poles and forks.
Thurs. 11-13 - At the house as usual. Too damp for corn picking. Jake waited on me. Jerome called today.
Fri., 11-14 - Worked on the house same as yesterday.
Sat., 11-15 - I worked on the house all day. Jake took out the potatoes and assorted them.
Sun., 11-16 - Went to S.S. this morning at Prairie Centre.
Jim's came homeMon., 11-17 - Raining this morning. I went to the Sixmile. Took dinner with mother. Went over to Kendrick's. Brought home two hound pups. Got them at Jerome's from Geo. Johnston's. Jake fixed ___ __ and done odd chores.
Tues., 11-18 - I took a load of wheat (refused, 20 bushels) to Carbondale and brought back a load of lumber. Got 72 ____ for wheat. Jake picked corn.
Wed., 11-19 - Jennie, Leck, and I went to Topeka today. We bought about sixty or seventy dollars worth of boots, shoes, and clothing. Got home late. Cold. Jake picked corn.
Thurs., 11-20 - I stayed at home all day doing odd chores. Jake picked corn.
Fri., 11-21 - I took a load of wheat - 26 ½ bu. - to Carbondale. Got 88 cts. Brought back a load of lumber. Jake picked corn _____.
Nov. Sat. 22nd - I went to Carbondale today. Took 32 bushels of rye. Got 50 cts. per bu. Brought lumber back. Jake and Mull picked corn.
Sun., 11-23 - Went to P.C. church but no S.S. Father Brownlee preached Mr. Robinson came home for dinner. We all went to church in the evening except Old Lady Dickson.
Mon., 11-24 - I laid up stone on the house today. Expected Kendrick today to work on the house but he failed to come. Jake and Mull picked corn. Jennie and Mother and I went to church in the evening.
Tues. 11-25 - I worked on the house today. Jake and Mull pulled corn. Went to church in the evening.
Wed., 11-26 - I went over to see Kendricks this morning to see why he did not come as he promised to do. He did not have a reasonable excuse. Men should at least try to do what they agree, and especially Christian. Results of his failure to do as he agreed up to this time: two days wasted going to see him, two weeks' delay waiting on him, a loss of 88 cts. on lumber (could not get the proper length). Oh, that men would do as they agree. Mull and Jake picked corn all day. Went to church. Fixed a few apple trees.
Thurs., 11-27 - Had a heavy rain during the night. I worked among the trees protecting them from the _____. Jake laid up some loose stone around the ____. Went to church.
Fri., 11-28 - We had an inch of snow on the ground this morning. I went to Kinney's school house today to attend a ___ institute. Took supper with ___ an old army friend. I got home about ten o'clock.
Sat., 11-29 - I worked on the house, framing ____. Jake painted a few trees.
Sun., 11-30 - We went to Sabbath School as usual and to church in the afternoon.
Mon., Dec. 1st - I worked on the frame house. Jake worked picking the west bottom field. Father ___ was down today and we settled up our ____. Went to church in the evening.
Tues., 12-2 - I worked on the house today. Jake dug potatoes. Went to church in the evening.
Wed., 12-3 - Finished the frame today. Jake took Mother D. over to Alex D.'s today and that was all he done. Went to church in the evening.
Thurs., 12-4 - I went over to Little's this morning to get some lime. I hauled a load [of] sand and went to fixing in between the joists. In the afternoon I went over to Isaac ____ to tell them about the death of Mr. _____ boy ____. It commenced raining about dark. Got lost on the way home. Very dark.
Fri., 12-5 - Still raining this morning. Freezing a little. I went over to Foss's in the morning and down to Quayle's in the afternoon. Dr. Wood ___ in today. Creek's up very high. No work done ___ ___.
Sat., 12-6 - I laid stone today between the joists. ___ ___ __ on me and I went to __ ___ __ __ __.
Sun., 12-7 - I went to S.S. this morning. __[two illegible lines]
Mon., 12-8 - [illegible]
Tues., Dec. 9th - Misting and raining. Nothing done today but attending to the chores. Wind South.
Wed., 12-10 - I went to Topeka today. Paid my taxes. Lewis Meade (carpenter) came home with me. Jake done the chores.
Thurs., 12-11 - Lew went to work this morning on the door and window frames. Jake and I pulled a load of corn. Cold wind, N.W. 3 º above 0.
Fri., 12-12 - I went to Carbondale for a load of lumber. Jake went over to see Smith in regard to note then he hauled in
threeeight & ½ bushels of corn husked by his father. Lew worked on the door & window frames. Cold. 2 º above 0. Wind N.W.Sat., 12-13 - Jake went to Topeka today to take up a note. Lew finished the frames and commenced boarding up the inside. I done the chores and took 11 head of hogs over to Thompson's. I got $3.80 cwt.
Sun. 12-14 - Quite cold today. We was up to S.S., May, Ed, and self.
Mon., 12-15 - I went down to Carbondale today. Took down a load of wheat and brought back a load of lumber. I lost a sack on the road. Jake hauled stone.
Tues., 12-16 - I went to Carbondale again today taking my sack of wheat . Brought ___ ____ Lew Meade worked on the house.
Wed, 12-17 - Jim and I shucked corn. Lew Meade worked on the house. Quite ___
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